Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my biggest fear

my fear is 

when I think about you and I realize I could not give you my very best
when I spend my lonely nights only to realize that I could not love anyone but you
when I realize that I could die anytime and I haven't time to say I love you
when I couldn't hug and kiss you when you need my support

and my biggest fear is

when I loose myself, coz it's mean i'm loosing you

Sunday, February 22, 2009

what are you looking for?

after all
you end up with this question..
what are you looking for?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


isn't it strange?
when suddenly you feel so lonely
and you noticed maybe you just realy listened to your heart just now, just right now
maybe you just lonely as always

isn't it weird?
when you ask yourself " am I happy?'
you just stand still, looking deep into your heart but your watery eyes just  can't see clearly

damn, what's the feeling I feel right now? sad, regret or love?
maybe it's all
I feel sad, coz it's the only way I forget you
regret, coz I was to afraid to tell that I love you
love, I've forgotten how to spell it lately

I thought that,
the road I have taken was the right one
but now I'm afraid that it isn't

this heart, where will it take me to?