Tuesday, December 23, 2008

prejudice, perceive, chance

we made so many prejudices to people around us
but, many of them are the bad ones

the person whom we thought not understandable person
confusing us with our perceive -"what would I say"expression- complaining his character 
actually he's hiding his innocent
maybe he has warm heart
and maybe he only allows you to know him finally in the end
after  you've made many (bad) prejudices 

and it's you who should made an approach
knowing him better 
understanding him better
respect other better

so, just control your mind
make only good prejudice
and remember, minds over matter

before christmast-
I received a christmas present from my professor (Na Dong Hee) 
I made so many prejudices about him, and in the end I found the truth, finally
so sorry, but I'm happy to coz I still have  chances  to mend it

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ebook for my life

After I read You've got to read this book (Jack Canfield & Gay Hendricks) I realized that..

Yes, we've been affected and changed by persons, movies, musics, and finally by books.
Books that inspired, changed our night before sleep into the magic night, as our morning day become the new brand day. The book that made our life richer, made us understand that we're the "chosed one" in this wild world, should be shared- and spread so that it may can affect the others we care as well.

Talking 'bout books, these are my fave books.

1. Sophie's World -Jostein Gaarder (indlucing his "Solitaire mystery" also)
2. The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz
3. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne (also her DVD)
4. Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin - (Sindhunata)
5. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff series(Richard Carlson)
6. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
7. Harry Potter (J.K Rowling)
8. The 7 (and 8) Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
9. Gandhi- The Story of My Experiment With Truth (Autobiography)
10. You - The Owner's Manual (Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet C. Oz)

Actually there are many books, and it's kinda difficult to pick 10 of them. But I thought I've tried.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Mama, thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
For the times I forgot

Mama remember all my life
You showed me love, you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I've changed along the way

And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, yeah I miss you

Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong, Dry your eyes

Cause I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, I miss you

Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I've changed along the way
Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you, Mama

from Il Divo -Mama

Love their show in Greek (video).

Friday, December 5, 2008

after thesis defence

Mom, Dad..
All for you..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

before the presentation

on the test today
you will be there
support me,
watching me

so, there's no fear I feel
I passed it successfully
I knew it before

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank You Allah

thank you Allah
thank you Allah

for giving me life
for letting me know You are exist